iVisit Messenger

iVisit is an online video chat service which allows you to talk to your iVisit
family and friends virtually face-to -face without having to leave the comfort of your home. It enables you to keep in touch with contacts that are too far away to see regularly and keep up to date with your family. It is a great service for businesses, with the live video feed feature it allows you to attend business meetings from other branches of your business without making a long drive.

Download Messenger:iVisit Messenger
Visit Site:www.ivisit.com

iVisit is easy to use, providing large buttons, icons and profile pictures of your contacts. Installing the program can be done in a matter of minutes and it has a tutorial to guide you through the process.

iVisit has three products available; each with individual features and varying price ranges. The first is iVisit Presenter, which is the basic version. With this version you can video conference with your contacts, hold multi-party meetings with up to eight people, share the contents of your desktop and display a presentation. iVisit Presenter also provides you with the ability to contact people that don’t have video chat capability with their audio call feature and chat feature, enabling you to IM your contacts. If someone you are trying to contact isn’t available at the time of your call, simply send them a voice or audio message for free.

Other versions of iVisit include iVisit Mobile, which allows you to access the features of iVisit from your mobile phone. This product has a free trial download available which will give you full access to your iVisit features. The last version of iVisit is the iVisit Client Server. This product will enable you to operate your own private and secure communications server, fully administer user access and privileges for secure and efficient operation and it works with all iVisit products.

iVisit is available with Mac and includes video chat and conferencing, audio calls, audio and video messaging, and instant messaging. iVisit also provides a FAQs page which comes with a list of questions and answers. This list is limited, but does provide some in-depth information about iVisit. For additional support iVisit provides a user forum where you can look at questions asked and answered by other users of iVisit and post questions and answers of your own.

An e-mail address for iVisit support and live chat with iVisit support is also available.

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