
ooVoo is a great way to video chat with your family and friends with great ooVoo
video quality, which makes it seem as if you are in the same room. ooVoo comes with a variety of features that puts it near the top of our list and has a user friendly system, making it easy for most anyone to use.

The most prominent feature of ooVoo is video calling, which enables you to call your contacts through your computer screen. When doing this your contact must be online at the time of placing the call. If your friends don’t have ooVoo, you can still call them by using the web call feature. This feature can be used with your AIM or Facebook friends by simply clicking on Web Video Call and sending a link for ooVoo web call. You will be able to see your friends the moment they click on the link and they will be able to see you in their web browser without having to download ooVoo.

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When chatting through ooVoo you have the ability to record a call you are making to look back on it later and remember what was said. With 1,000 total minutes available for storage and streaming you can share your recorded chats with anyone.

ooVoo’s video message feature can be used exactly like you would use any e-mail service. You can send a video to your contacts that aren’t able to be online at the same time you are, or you can send it to the e-mail address of anyone who isn’t on ooVoo.

If you are having a meeting with people in different areas and have a presentation to show, ooVoo has a Desktop Sharing feature which enables you to show the contents of your desktop through your video call. This means you don’t have to mail the presentation to everyone and wait for them to get to the same spot. When using this feature the call window will be automatically shifted to the side and your desktop will take the center for quality viewing.

If you have a friend or family member who does not have access to a computer at the time you want to contact them you can still call them using ooVoo’s phone calls to landline and mobile phones feature. This will allow you to call up to 30 countries worldwide by purchasing a monthly plan, or ooVoo credits. This feature comes with no contracts or commitments and can be canceled at anytime.

The quality of ooVoo video is top of the line, requiring a broadband connection to use and only a few pieces of equipment. The first piece of equipment needed will be (of course) a computer and the second item is a web cam. ooVoo can be used without a webcam, however, your contacts will not be able to see you without one. Proper lighting is recommended when using ooVoo to refrain from having dim, grainy or washed out images.

ooVoo provides a help page where you can find FAQs, a support center, and a comprehensive guide to basic features.

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